I'm sharing my auto completion controller for your custom Yii 2 commands with you


the following commands controller allows you to auto complete your custom Yii 2 commands.

I’m using this controller on my linux machine.

How can you use it in concrete? You hit

then you can type the beginning of your controller commands like

for your exporter/some-what

and after you hit the tab-button, you’ll see the auto-completion. Like you know it from the general bash terminal.

It’s expected that your commands-controllers are in the commands-folder, like the controller itself. You can find the controller below. I hope you can use it well. If you have any notes to it - please let me know.


namespace app\commands;

use yii\console\Controller;

use Yii;


 * Class AutoController


 * This Controller provides command auto-completion in your command line.


 * @package app\commands


class AutoController extends Controller



     * This method reads the "commands"-folder and extracts all the commands

     * from their containing controllers.


     * @return array


    private static function getCommandsArray(){

        $my_dir = scandir('./commands');

        $commands = array();

        foreach ($my_dir as $file) {

            if ($file !== '.' && $file !== '..' && is_numeric(strpos($file, 'Controller.php'))) {

                $class_name = str_replace('.php', '', $file);

                $class_name_with_namespace = "\\app\\commands\\" . $class_name;

                $class_methods = get_class_methods(new $class_name_with_namespace('controller', Yii::$app));

                $commands_controller = strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1-$2', $class_name));

                foreach ($class_methods as $class_method) {

                    if (is_numeric(strpos($class_method, 'action'))) {

                        $method = strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1-$2', $class_method));

                        $method = str_replace('action-', '', $method);

                        $commands_controller = str_replace('-controller', '', $commands_controller);

                        $commands[] = $commands_controller . '/' . $method;





        return $commands;



     * The callback which is returning an array with strings, which will be

     * auto-completed.


     * @param $input

     * @param $index

     * @return array


    private static function completionCallback($input, $index){

        return self::getCommandsArray();



     * The method which is handling the autocompletion. After it's runned, you can

     * autocomplete your commands by hitting the tab-button.


    public function actionCompl(){

        readline_completion_function(array('self', 'completionCallback'));

        $command_input = readline("Custom Yii 2 command: ");

        passthru('php ./yii ' . $command_input);




Have fun! :)