I'm having issue on displaying data from the database under my populated dropdown lists

I’m having issue on displaying data from the database under my populated dropdown lists.

Here is my codes.

For the Controller, i created an Action with a variable that will hold all the values from the database.

public function actionPollUnit($id)


    $countpollunit = PollingUnit::find()->where(['uniqueid' => $id])->count();

    $pollingunit= PollingUnit::find()->where(['uniqueid' => $id])->one();





    $output = '';


    if($countpollunit > 0){

        foreach($pollingunit->pollingunitresults as $pollingunitresult){

          $output .= "<p value='".$pollingunitresult->polling_unit_uniqueid."'>".$pollingunitresult->party_abbreviation." - ".$pollingunitresult->party_score."</p>";



        return $output;


       return "no data";



Here is my view.
after the last Dropdown list i wanted the results from the database to display directly under.

     <?= $form->field($model, 'pollingUnit')->dropdownlist(

         ArrayHelper::map(PollingUnit::find()->all(), 'uniqueid', 'polling_unit_name'),


            'prompt'=> 'select Polling Unit',



             $( "#output" ).html( `<div class="loader"></div>` );

            $.post( "index.php?=election/pollunit?id='.'"+$(this).val(), function( data ){


                if (data === "" || data === null){

                    $( "#output" ).html( "no data" );


                    $( "#output" ).html( data );






        ]); ?>

        <div id="output" class="form-group">



<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>