if should add an id attribute to the tr element of CGridView

i think it’s better to add id property to the generated tr . for example when we use the tableDnd jquery plugin: tableDndPlugin that requires a table and its row must have the id property .

since we can get the dataRowSet 's keys ,why not render it as a row’s id ?



         * Renders a table body row.

         * @param integer $row the row number (zero-based).


        public function renderTableRow($row)





                        echo '<tr class="'.$this->evaluateExpression($this->rowCssClassExpression,array('row'=>$row,'data'=>$data)).'">';


                else if(is_array($this->rowCssClass) && ($n=count($this->rowCssClass))>0)

                        echo '<tr class="'.$this->rowCssClass[$row%$n].'">';


                        echo '<tr>';

                foreach($this->columns as $column)


                echo "</tr>\n";


you see yii just give the tr a class property .

in the CBaseListView you can get the keys of every rows :


         * Renders the key values of the data in a hidden tag.


        public function renderKeys()


                echo CHtml::openTag('div',array(





                foreach($this->dataProvider->getKeys() as $key)

                        echo "<span>".CHtml::encode($key)."</span>";

                echo "</div>\n";


all right ! :lol:

may be i should write a subclass to do that:

class EGridView extends CGridView


    protected $rowSetKeys = array();

    public $rowIdPrefix = 'gr_';

    public function init(){


        $this->rowSetKeys = $this->dataProvider->getKeys();



     * @param $row

     * ad row id property to the generated tr element


    public function renderTableRow($row){

        $rowId  =$this->rowIdPrefix.$this->rowSetKeys[$row];




            echo '<tr class="'.$this->evaluateExpression($this->rowCssClassExpression,array('row'=>$row,'data'=>$data)).'" id="'.$rowId.'">';


        else if(is_array($this->rowCssClass) && ($n=count($this->rowCssClass))>0)

            echo '<tr class="'.$this->rowCssClass[$row%$n].'" id="'.$rowId.'">';


            echo '<tr id="'.$rowId.'">';

        foreach($this->columns as $column)


        echo "</tr>\n";



Good Job Dude… :thumb up:

Thanks, it’s really work… :thumb up:

Just write in grid options

