


TextMate is what I'm using. Beats everything else hands down...


Have a Bundle to share?

May have to try this NetBeans. Atm on Textmate in OSX and simply gedit in Linux, using Netbeans on both sounds more efficient!


No bundle yet for Yii and TextMate…


some one is working on it…extmate-bundle/

I use NetBeans 6.5.

It rocks.

I you define a custom include path in the project, NetBeans offers autocomplete, etc.

Also, you can debug the php, not just the javascript.


I use netbeans for bigger projects, and intype beta for quick edit and fast writing. I wish there were a yii bundle for it oO

Same here, netbeans + intype ;)

I'm using Netbeans 6.5 PHP and ( Notepad++ to open file PHP when i'm in explorer… right button… simple and fast ).



NETBEANS 6.5 with php and jquery support is superior for Yii development. You have all core php code completion, yii classes code completion, jquery code completion and now with the nighlty build you can declare that the $this variable in view scrip files is of type "CController". I think it is amazing

Netbeans is nice, but the code completion does not always work for me. For example, typing


in the controller, does not display a list of possible functions or members. Sometimes the code completion works, but it could work a lot better for me. I used to use Eclipse for my Java projects a couple of years ago and it was excellent. I somehow cannot use the 64-bit bundled version of PDT Eclipse in my Gentoo Linux, so I have to user Netbeans, which works smoothly. The only complaint I have for Netbeans 6.5 is the code completion feature.

I also suggest everyone mentions the OS where they use their favorite PHP editor. In my case, it's 64-bit Gentoo Linux and Windows XP, so my needs is for a cross-platform PHP editor.

I have been using EditPlus for many years. It serves me well. Its regular exp​ression funcntion is the best but enough for me.

Hi GoofyX, do you have any solution for this issue? I also facing same problem in Netbeans 6.5, which could be better to handle this case.

It will be best if additional level:

Yii::app()->user->  ;D

Anybody has any suggestion?



NETBEANS 6.5 with php and jquery support is superior for Yii development. You have all core php code completion, yii classes code completion, jquery code completion and now with the nighlty build you can declare that the $this variable in view scrip files is of type "CController". I think it is amazing

Netbeans is nice, but the code completion does not always work for me. For example, typing


in the controller, does not display a list of possible functions or members. Sometimes the code completion works, but it could work a lot better for me. I used to use Eclipse for my Java projects a couple of years ago and it was excellent. I somehow cannot use the 64-bit bundled version of PDT Eclipse in my Gentoo Linux, so I have to user Netbeans, which works smoothly. The only complaint I have for Netbeans 6.5 is the code completion feature.

I also suggest everyone mentions the OS where they use their favorite PHP editor. In my case, it's 64-bit Gentoo Linux and Windows XP, so my needs is for a cross-platform PHP editor.


Hi GoofyX, do you have any solution for this issue? I also facing same problem in Netbeans 6.5, which could be better to handle this case.

So, I am not the only one with this issue. That's good to hear.

Eclipse was the king in code completion. It looked for each return type and displayed all methods and properties, regardless of the level.


Hi, so you mean Ecplise can handle this case? I tried Aptana Studio, the code completion is worse then NetBeans 6.5. Do you mean the Eclipse with PDT?



Hi GoofyX, do you have any solution for this issue? I also facing same problem in Netbeans 6.5, which could be better to handle this case.

So, I am not the only one with this issue. That's good to hear.

Eclipse was the king in code completion. It looked for each return type and displayed all methods and properties, regardless of the level.



Hi, so you mean Ecplise can handle this case? I tried Aptana Studio, the code completion is worse then NetBeans 6.5. Do you mean the Eclipse with PDT?

Yes. I haven’t tried PDT Eclipse much, but a couple of years ago, in a few Java projects, Eclipse rocked in that feature. I guess the same would be for PDT. :)


Yes. I haven't tried PDT Eclipse much, but a couple of years ago, in a few Java projects, Eclipse rocked in that feature. I guess the same would be for PDT. :)

I use Eclipse PDT and i had noticed already that the particular case you mentioned


Doesn’t work either ;)

EditPlus and Komodo

I use Netbeans, while I also develop JME Application using it. So far, Netbeans to me is the best JME and PHP IDE out there.

I prefer Notepad++ with some plugins. I’m disappointed in code completion, doesn’t help me too much. :)

I used Zend studio till version 5.5 , version 6 was useless

Now I'm happy with net beans (I also work on various java projects)

As for the Yii::app()-> completion doesn't work

But as we can see Yii.php simply extends YiiBase so if you use

YiiBase::app() -> instead, code completion really works

OK, take a look at the attached screenshots. This is what I was talking about in my previous messages.

The first is from Netbeans 6.5 (Linux). Although 6.7RC2 (Windows) exhibits the same behaviour.

The second is from the latest version of Eclipse PDT (Build id: 20090619-0625, Linux again).

As I thought, Eclipse has far more better code completion, which is very important for me, so I am switching back to it. I wish the previous builds provided from would run in my Linux 64-bit box. This latest one seems to run fine. Bye-bye Netbeans. :)


I'm using Netbeans 6.5 PHP.. it rocks .. if you specify in the project include path the framework path you'll have also code completion and suggestions from the php documentor tags.

same here, NB is awesome so far…


Net beans have autocompletion too, at least for me works (in my work and in my home too).

Just add the Yii framework to the include path of the project.

@PoL: Try

and press Ctrl+Space to display the list of completion code…

Works for me.

Im using NB 6.7 on Windows XP (tested on Window 7 too).