I will be speaking and defending Yii2 at PHP Conf Asia 2019 "Framework Wars"

Framework Wars

Hi everyone, as a Yii2 development specialist and partner of Wesvault, I had to throw my hat into the ring to defend our beloved House Yii2 against all the other frameworks. I nicknamed it ‘The king of the North’

D-Day: 24-26 June

I will be a speaker covering Yii2.


Cool! If you need someone to check your slides or any extra info about Yii, let me know.

Thanks Alex,

Would be great if you could do youtube video that I’ll show to the audience. Just saying ‘Hi’ would be awesome.

Yii2 is very popular in Russia while it’s not so wide in the South. I have named the talk ‘King of the North’ from Game of Thrones as we have a lot of support from the North (Russia). I’ll be putting together some slides and would be happy to show you as well.

Will record it.

Something like, "Hi Lionel from Wesvault and everyone at PHPconf 2019, this is Samdark from the Yii2 core team , and I want to say Yii2 is … "

OK. Will do.

Sent you a private message.

The email though. :joy::joy:

Will there be a live stream or upload to internet, the Yii video? Or others which are also cool?

Mine is just a intro video, not the actual talk. I won’t mind having a video of the actual talk as well.

Sweet! Even got the signature Hat.

Will be going to Voxx Singapore next week, will continue to push Yii2.