I Want Find The Position ,it Can Echo The Last Sql

I know two ways to print SQL

1 protected/config/main.php

'log'=>array( 'class' => 'CFileLogRoute', 'levels' => 'trace', ),

2 framework/db/CDbCommand.php

 #483 add echo ($this->getText())."\n\n";

1 2 ways to print

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `fh_comment` `t` WHERE [b]hid = :hid [/b]

But that not the last sql;

Please help me where can echo the last sql,where file and where position?

Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `fh_note` `t` WHERE hid = 0 or hid = :hid ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 1;

I want This.

Querying SQL: SELECT * FROM `fh_note` `t` WHERE hid = 0 or hid = 1  ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 1; (THE LAST SQL)

sorry,English is very poor

You got it?what I want?


I think what you are looking for is CDbConnection.enableParamLogging.

Hi Zeusion!

I have a solusion, and i posted at thear, you can see it How to use CWebLogRoute to display SQL queries with params replaced into SQL