How use MATCH AGAINST where condition in nested condition array?

I have this ActiveRecord where condition with multiple conditions and within this nested array of rules I need to add a MATCH AGAINST fulltext condition. I can’t seem to figure our how I can add this within my current structure - or if its even possible/supported by the Yii2 AR builder?

This is my code:

// Query

$query = UserRecord::find();

// Start building where statement

$where = [];

// Where statements

// OR

$or = ['or'];

$or[] = ['=', '', $param];

$or[] = ['LIKE', 'users.address', $param];

$or[] = ['LIKE', '', $param];

$or[] = ['LIKE', '', $param];

$where[] = $or;

// AND

$where[] = ['=', 'users.deleted', UserRecord::STATUS_NOT_DELETED];

$where[] = ['>=', 'DATE_FORMAT(users.dateCreated, \'%Y%m%d\')', DateHelper::formatDate($param, "Ymd")];

// Merge and add condition

$query->where(array_merge(['and'], $where));

I now need to add this line to the OR statements above:

MATCH(users.firstname, users.lastname) AGAINST(\''.$param.'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE)

So I get the SQL like… ( = X) OR (users.address = X) OR (MATCH(users.firstname, users.lastname) AGAINST()…

Is this even possible?


Hi Naboovalley,

So you are using the "operator" format of "or" to construct the condition. You could simply include your "string" format of condition using "match" as one of the operands of "or".

// OR

$or = ['or'];

$or[] = ['=', '', $param];

$or[] = ['LIKE', 'users.address', $param];

$or[] = ['LIKE', '', $param];

$or[] = ['LIKE', '', $param];

$or[] = 'MATCH(users.firstname, users.lastname) AGAINST ...';

$where[] = $or;

Please take a look at the following section of the guide:

Guide > Query Builder > where() (


This is not a safe way of constructing a SQL statement. It is vulnerable to a SQL injection attack. Please consider using a prepared statement and a parameter binding.

Thank you very much @softark. I was expecting it to always needed to be wrapped within its own sub-array… stupid.

Yeah I’ll add the binding to production code. Thanks for pointing that out.