How To Write Multiple Condition Togather?

hello friends…

here is my code…

public function actionIndex()


	$model = new ProductIndex();

	$price = (isset($_GET['ProductIndex']['price'])) ? $_GET['ProductIndex']['price'] : array();


     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();

	 //take the other table column

	 $criteria->with = 'pricing';

	if ( isset($_GET['ProductIndex']['price']) && ($price[0] == 0 ))


	$results = pricing::model()->findAll(array( 'condition'=>'price>=:price AND price <= :price1',

    'params'=>array(':price'=>0, ':price1'=>2000),


	$values = array();

	foreach($results as $r) $values[] = $r->price;

	$criteria->addInCondition( 'pricing.price', $values ); 


	if( isset($_GET['ProductIndex']['price']) && $price[0] == 1 )


	$results = pricing::model()->findAll(array( 'condition'=>'price>=:price AND price <= :price1',

    'params'=>array(':price'=>2001, ':price1'=>5000),));

	$values = array();

	foreach($results as $r) $values[] = $r->price;

	$criteria->addInCondition( 'pricing.price', $values ); 


	if( isset($_GET['ProductIndex']['price']) && $price[0] == 2 )


	$results = pricing::model()->findAll(array( 'condition'=>'price>=:price AND price <= :price1',

    'params'=>array(':price'=>5001, ':price1'=>10000),));

	$values = array();

	foreach($results as $r) $values[] = $r->price;

	$criteria->addInCondition( 'pricing.price', $values ); 


here i use 3 conditions and 3 query individual,and it work fine for the individual operation.

now i want to these condition work togather.

please suggest me to any method in which i will do it.



the qn is not clear!!

thanks Rajith…

i create here ajex search for the price.

here i pass the value from the module

here is my module code…


class ProductIndex extends CActiveRecord


const TYPE_LESS2000='0';

	const TYPE_2001to5000='1';

	const TYPE_5001to10000='2';

 public function getPriceOptions()


            return array(

                self::TYPE_LESS2000=>'Below 2000',self::TYPE_2001to5000=>'2001 to 5000',

				self::TYPE_5001to10000=>'5001 to 10000',





in my view…

		<h4>Price Range:</h4>


echo CHtml::activeCheckBoxList($model,'price',


array( 'template'=>'<li>{input} {label}</li>',  'class'=>'masterIndexFilter',)); 



Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('search', "

 var ajaxUpdateTimeout;

    var ajaxRequest;


	 product_id = $('.masterindexFilter').serialize();




                 url: '" . CController::createUrl('productindex/index') . "',

                 data: product_id,






in my controller…

  public function actionIndex()


	$model = new ProductIndex();

	$price = (isset($_GET['ProductIndex']['price'])) ? $_GET['ProductIndex']['price'] : array();


     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();

	 //take the other table column

	 $criteria->with = 'pricing'; 

	 $criteria->together = true; 

	if ( isset($_GET['ProductIndex']['price']) && ($price[0] == 0 ))


	$results = pricing::model()->findAll(array( 'condition'=>'price>=:price AND price <= :price1',

    'params'=>array(':price'=>0, ':price1'=>2000),


	$values = array();

	foreach($results as $r) $values[] = $r->price;

	$criteria->addInCondition( 'pricing.price', $values ); 


	if( isset($_GET['ProductIndex']['price']) && $price[0] == 1 )


	$results = pricing::model()->findAll(array( 'condition'=>'price>=:price AND price <= :price1',

    'params'=>array(':price'=>2001, ':price1'=>5000),));

	$values = array();

	foreach($results as $r) $values[] = $r->price;

	$criteria->addInCondition( 'pricing.price', $values ); 


	if( isset($_GET['ProductIndex']['price']) && $price[0] == 2 )


	$results = pricing::model()->findAll(array( 'condition'=>'price>=:price AND price <= :price1',

    'params'=>array(':price'=>5001, ':price1'=>10000),));

	$values = array();

	foreach($results as $r) $values[] = $r->price;

	$criteria->addInCondition( 'pricing.price', $values ); 


	$dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('ProductIndex',







in actionIndex. i write the condition for search the price range from the price i write 3 separate condition for the search the data from the price only one checkbox work at a time.

now, i want to write all this condition in one condition and search all together.

then how to work all checkbox together?

for example if i check 2 checkbox then it search 2 range and display both check value.such as 3.


This example will help you,


$sql="SELECT DISTINCT `id_project` FROM task WHERE username='$uid'";                        




foreach($projects as $project):        



$criteria= new CDbCriteria;

$criteria->addInCondition('id_project', $ids);

$criteria->order='task_end ASC';



Are you looking for CDbCriteria::mergeWith?