How to work on codeception in yii2 framework

Hi friends,

 I don't know how to work on codeception in yii2.

 First :Downloaded the codeception file and put into codeception folder.

 Second:arun this query in my cmd prompt composer global require "codeception/codeception=2.0.*" "codeception/specify=*" "codeception/verify=*"

 Third:composer require --dev yiisoft/yii2-faker:*

 Fourth:codeception/bin/yii migrate

 Fifth:common/frontend :      php -S localhost:8080

 Sixth:test/codeception:     cd frontend

 Seventh:test/codeception:   cd codecept.phar build 

 Eighth:test/codeception :  cd codecept.phar run

 It will be run full folder.i want to run individual folder(like only execute login form ).i don't know that path to run individual file. help me friends...

Hi, I think this will help you :

Hi Friends,

I got the solution for this question.In yii2-advanced individual file can run like this:::

[color="#800080"][size="3"]/var/www/html1/yiitest(Projectname)/tests/codeception/frontend$ php codecept.phar run acceptance AboutCept.php[/size][/color]

try this…