How To Use Https For The Loginurl

I want to redirect users to a login page if they aren’t already logged in. Yii sorts this all out for me. My question is whether I can redirect someone to the https version of the login page?

The Yii documentation at has all the instructions.

In my controller I have:


    public function filters()


        return array('accessControl');


    public function accessRules()


        return array(

            array('allow',      // Allow all actions for logged in users ("@")

                'users'     => array('@'),

                'actions'   => array('index'),


            array('deny'),      // Deny anything else




Yii uses the [font="Courier New"]loginUrl[/font] property of the [font="Courier New"]user[/font] component to determine where to redirect unauthorized users. By default, [font="Courier New"]loginUrl[/font] points to the [font="Courier New"]site/login[/font] page. It can be configured e.g.





            // this is actually the default value





My options:


[*]Use a absolute url e.g. [font=“Courier New”]‘[/font]’. This is annoying because then I have to have the correct value for each of our sites, local, staging, production, etc.

[*]Leave the default and then ensure the login page has a filter that redirects to https. This is what we do at the moment but it means we have 2 redirects and the Google pagespeed suggestion tool is recommending I shorten my redirect chain.


Is there a better way?

I don’t particularly like it, but maybe you could use something like:


It seems pretty fragile to me though, because it depends on the index.php being hidden and other things.

A better option might be to extend CWebUser with your own class. You could include a constructor with something like this:

    public function __construct()


        $this->loginUrl = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('/site/login', array(), 'https');


You’d just need to update the config to point to this class:






You should look up through the inheritance chain to make sure you call any parent constructor.

Thanks Keith, your idea worked perfectly.

class WebUser extends CWebUser




     * Initializes the application component.

     * This method overrides the parent implementation by setting the loginUrl property.


    public function init()



        // Set the login url that Yii uses in the accessControl filter to redirect non-authorised users.

        // This way we can take users to the SSL login page directly and shorten the redirect chain.

        $this->loginUrl = Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('/site/login', array(), 'https');
