How to use fileActionSettings in yii2-widet-fileinput extension

I am using @kartikv yii2-widet-fileinput extension and I want to know how to use fileActionSettings in yii2. I want to remove this icon
Screenshot from 2020-09-30 18-32-16

I tried to use it in pluginOptions like this:

echo FileInput::widget([
    'name' => 'file_1',
    'options' => [
        'accept' => 'image/*',
        'multiple' => false
    'pluginOptions' => [
        'showUpload' => false,
        'showCancel' => false,
        'showRemove' => false,
        'initialPreview' => [
        'initialPreviewAsData' => true,
        'overwriteInitial' => true,
        'fileActionSettings' => [
            'showRemove' => false

But nothing happens.

Is my application of the fileActionSettings is correct? Or am i missing something?