Here is a nifty trick to share…
Let’s say you want to restrict the visibility of certain columns in a CGridView because the data may be sensitive.
So only users with a certain RBAC access level can see the data in the columns., and all others should not even see the columns.
(this way they don’t ask too many questions . )
If you set up your RBAC Permissions with a ‘reader’ role you can put this code in your view before you declare the grid.
//set $visible true if the user has reader RBAC permissions.
<?php $visible=Yii::app()->user->checkAccess("reader")? true : false; ?>
// now create a CGridView
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
// now create a column using the 'visible' CDataColumn property.
'value'=>'This is a secret column value. It won't be seen unless you have reader permission.',
)); ?>
works great!