How To Search Models Based On Function-Result?

I have a File-model, for which I restrict access. The access is provided through membership of groups having access - rather complex and not relevant for here. Anyway, I have a function in my model called checkAccess() which checks the access of the current user (Yii::app()->user) for the current File-model and returns true or false.

My question: I want to search models and display only the models which are available/accessable for the current user, thus returning true on checkAccess(). Whether the user has access, is no direct (in-database) model property, so I don’t know how to search on it. It cannot be searched by sql-criteria. I’ve tried things with CDbCriteria and model-scopes, but I can’t find a solution.

Thanks in advance for helping!

class File extends CActiveRecord



	public function checkAccess() 


		if( < --- check the permission here --- > ) {

			return true;


		return false;


	public function search()


		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;



		// how to add the result of the above checkAccess function

		// as a criteria here?

		return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(





— Is there anyone who can help me here?