How To Prevent Save Action Using Cmodelevent::isvalid?

Hi guys, How to prevent save action using CModelEvent::isValid in beforeSave() method?

isValid? Do you mean don’t validate on save()? You can stop validation checks on save with


in you action.

No, I mean prevent save action in event handler. Please see onBeforeSave() description.

 $event->isValid = false;

Also see isValid property

To use the onBeforeSave() We should override beforeSave() method in Model like bellow:

class Post extends CActiveRecord


   public function beforeSave()


      // if something happen prevent saving data



in beforeSave() there are no $event variable or parameter!

Further research says that isValid is in the beforeSave of a behavior. I think if you return false, in the model beforeSave, you get the same result. Check the CActiveRecord code in the framework/db/ar dir. The code has documentation above the function declaration.

Yes! It works. Thank you jkofsky.

public function beforeSave()


   if($a != $<img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />  // the condition to prevent


      return false;  // prevent saving data


   return parent:: beforeSave();  // allow saving


No problem. How 'bout an up vote :huh:

I’m so sorry. I like your comments in all topics. Thank you again. :)

Thanks for your comment and vote B)