How To Make Text Style In Text Area ?

Hello dears ,

i am new in yii development and i want to ask if i want to make model for topics and i want the user make style for the text he write in the text area like make it BOLDor [color="#8B0000"]color it[/color] like what we can do in any forum

how can i do that ??

There are a number of extension for WYSIWYG editors. Yii 1.1 has ‘markdown’ builtin, just search for info on it.

Try this extension.Here you can insert text the way you like.



really thank you very much brothers .

Dear ChiragChetan i used some thing like tinymce becouse it not worked with me . i tried extension called cleditor (after about 3 extension not worked with me :))

but really thank you , you gived me the idea what i really need to use


very nice and fast to install and no errors tell now