how to limit action to be cached in fille cache by outputcache

i dont know what’s the problem

all my actions in the controller and action function related views were cached

so the other users will see the same cached view

listed below are my settings in my yii

anyone could give me some advice what’s going wrong ?

especailly the last poi controller will cache the other controller’s view, so terrible


		'cache' => array (

			'class' => 'CFileCache',

			'directoryLevel' => 1,



	//file cache

	public function filters()


		return array(


			'COutputCache + index',

			'duration' => ($_GET['nocache']) ? 0 : 86400,

			'varyByExpression' => Yii::app()->user->id,





		public function filters()


				return array(


					'COutputCache + Index',

					'duration' => ($_GET['nocache']) ? 0 : 86400,

					'varyByExpression' => Yii::app()->user->id,



					'COutputCache + View',

					'duration' => ($_GET['nocache']) ? 0 : 86400,

					'varyByParam' => array('id'),

					'varyByExpression' => Yii::app()->user->id,



					'COutputCache + List',

					'duration' => ($_GET['nocache']) ? 0 : 86400,

					'varyByExpression' => yii::app()->request->requestUri,


