How to inject something opposite to paginator

Can I (and, if yes then how to achieve this) inject something opposite to the paginator used by GridView?

I think that this place would be fabulous for placing dropdown allowing user to select how many items are rendered per page:

But, since I am a total newbie around DOM selectors, I have no idea how to inject i.e. dropdown to inside nav#w1 and how to make it float right, so it would land directly opposite the paginator?

Any help, tips or thoughts are highly encouraged. Thank you.

Live example from my project, with some visual enhancements for clarity here.
It works with extended LinkPager class and Bootstrap grid system

The trick is to embed the widget output into grid system mentioned above (8+4 = 12 columns in total).

In gridview config:

'pager' => [
    'class' => '{yournamespace}\LinkPager', // Overridden class

And the class itself:

class LinkPager extends \yii\bootstrap5\LinkPager {

    public function beforeRun() {
        if (!parent::beforeRun()) {
            return false;
        echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'container']);
        echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'row']);
        echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'col-8 bg-info']); // Left column width
        return true;

    public function afterRun($result) {
        $result = parent::afterRun($result);
        $out = $result; 
        $out .= Html::endTag('div'); // column
        $out .= Html::tag('div', "Your content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
         sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
        , ['class' => 'col-4 bg-secondary']); // Right column width
        $out .= Html::endTag('div'); // row
        $out .= Html::endTag('div'); // container
        return $out;

The result:

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Marvelous! And from the first sight at your code and screenshot, it looks exactly like the thing that I need.

One last quick question. Do we have any Bootstrap 5- or Yii 2- combo-like or drop-down-like component that would use Bootstrap styles and could like as close to the LinkPager styling as possible?

Is this what you are looking for?
See more doc under bs version 4

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Yes, this is exactly what I am looking for, thank you!

I don’t know, how did I manage to not find this myself? :[