how to include php in Yii tab widget content

I have just copied the code for yii2 tabs guide and want to include a Form in the first Tab and a Gridview in the second tab.

for testing I have edited just one line in the code with ‘<?= “test”’ , but the same is not working

here is the full code:


echo Tabs::widget([

    'items' => [


            'label' => 'One',

            'content' => '<?= "test"',

            'active' => true



            'label' => 'Two',

            'content' => 'Anim pariatur cliche...',

            //'headerOptions' => [...],

            'options' => ['id' => 'myveryownID'],



            'label' => 'Dropdown',

            'items' => [


                     'label' => 'DropdownA',

                     'content' => 'DropdownA, Anim pariatur cliche...',



                     'label' => 'DropdownB',

                     'content' => 'DropdownB, Anim pariatur cliche...',







'content' => '<?= "test"',

with this code you are telling to display not only "test" but also "<?= " because you must specify a string.

In this case you must write

'content' => 'test',

or if you have a long string you can do:


$content = "







echo Tabs::widget([

    'items' => [


            'label' => 'One',

            'content' => $content,

            'active' => true


The problem i see in your code is that you are into


tag and you want to create another tag


but into php tag you must use

echo 'test';

Yes I have also tried exactly as suggested by you i.e.

echo 'test';

but then I am getting the error:

syntax error, unexpected ‘echo’ (T_ECHO)

this the exact code:

echo Tabs::widget([

    'items' => [


            'label' => 'One',

            'content' => echo 'test';,

            'active' => true



but i think you are doing confusion. Look at this code

echo Tabs::widget([

    'items' => [


            'label' => 'One',

            'content' => echo 'test';,

            'active' => true


the first command you do is ECHO, so all of the setting/function you will insert after echo, must return simply a STRING. You can’t repeat echo inside echo!

'content' => echo 'test';,

Here there is a BIG mistake because is the same error of write:

echo echo 'test';;

Let me explain basic concept:

Your web page is HTML.

HTML contain many tag as <div> <form> <table> etc…

There is one tag <?php ?> that tell to the web-server do compile the php code inside the tag.

So if you write


 Hello Word!


is exactly to write



      $var = 'Hello';

      echo $var . ' World!';



Your Error is that you are doing is something like this:



      $var = 'Hello';

      echo $var . echo 'test';  ;



I hope you understand my poor english ;)

Thanks I got it now, what I was doing wrong.