How to have a defaultAction controller depending of the user status ?


I just begin with Yii, and today I get a small problem…

Indeed, on my webApp, I want that all the unlogged users are redirected on my login page, and all the others (logged users) are redirected to the first page of my webApp (for example : index.php/MyFirstPage).

So, I have added on my SiteController the defaultAction :

public $defaultAction='login';

It is ok for unlogged users, but not for logged user :(

I think that I have to put the following code somewhere, but I don’t find where…I 've tried to put it on the actionIndex() function but it doesn’t work…

if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {


} else {



Have you an idea or a better way for resolve my problem ?

Thanks in advance.

try the following

in your configuration file ( usually configs/main.php) add the following line in its first level:


	'name'=>'My app',


	//action that will be executed before any other action

	'onBeginRequest' => array('Bootstrap', 'beginRequest'),//this line

and then create a class Bootstrap in your components folder and do something like the following:

class Bootstrap


   //method that will be executed before any other application action and defined above

	public function beginRequest($event){


     		$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']='/user/login';//this is the easiest way, its not totally right tho



as you see, you just replaced the requested uri, the next step Yii will run the application and CHttpRequest will check for $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] to route the application

I created a BaseController class and extend all my other classes from it.

In BaseController, I have a beforeAction function that tests the status of a user and redirects them to where they should go.

The key for me is to only test for exceptions to the normal app flow. For instance, I check if their subscription has expired then redirect to a profile page. If the subscription is still active, I just return ‘true’ so the child class functions normally, as written.

class BaseController extends CController


	protected function beforeAction()







			if(strtotime(Yii::app()->user->subscriptionEnd) < strtotime(date('Y-m-d')))

				// Redirect somewhere


				return true;




  • Well, not ALL my classes get extended from BaseController…only those that need the additional checks. Otherwise, there are unnecessary performance hits…

Thanks for your answers.

It seems that the


cause some problems with redirections.

Next, i’ve tried the beforeAction solution, but the function


doesn’t work, I don’t understand why…


I contninue to search a solution…

Hum, I think that i’ve found a solution…

I’ve created a BaseController class (as required previously), and then all my controllers extend this class instead of Controller.

Here my BaseControllerClass :

class BaseController extends CController




	 * @var string the default layout for the controller view. Defaults to '//layouts/column1',

	 * meaning using a single column layout. See 'protected/views/layouts/column1.php'.


	public $layout='//layouts/column1';


	 * @var array context menu items. This property will be assigned to {@link CMenu::items}.


	public $menu=array();


	 * @var array the breadcrumbs of the current page. The value of this property will

	 * be assigned to {@link CBreadcrumbs::links}. Please refer to {@link CBreadcrumbs::links}

	 * for more details on how to specify this property.


	public $breadcrumbs=array();	


  protected function beforeAction($action)


    if(Yii::app()->user->isGuest && $this->id.'/'.$action->id!=='site/login')




    return true;



I don’t know if it is the best way to solve this “issue” but it seems ok…

drech’s solution works like a charm…and there’s a need to include gui’s “&& $this->id.’/’.$action->id!==‘site/login’” to avoid infinite loop when accessing ‘site/login’ in guest role.

My solution, in SiteController.php

public function actionIndex()


	if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest)





Simple is better.