How To Give Id,name And Placeholder Direclty

Hello Yii Friends

Currently I am using normal html for input type text value which is as follow

[color="#FF0000"][color="#000000"][color="#FF0000"][color="#00FF00"]<input type="text" placeholder="Search" name="key" id="key"> [/color][/color][/color][/color]

But now I want to give this in Yii framework format for which I have tried many like

[color="#9ACD32"]<?php echo CHtml::textField(‘Text’, ‘’,$htmlOptions=array(‘id’=>‘key’,‘name’=>‘key’ ,‘placeholder’=>‘Search’)); ?>[/color]

which is not working. I hope my format may be wrong so I would really appreciate your help to provide me correct format.



perhaps it works like this?

echo CHtml::textField('key', '', array('id' => 'key', 'placeholder'=>'Search')); 

Also checkout the documentation about CHtml::textField