How To Get All Controllers With Their Actions In All Modules?


How can I get list of all controllers with their actions in all modules of the application (with routes)?

Tonight I wrote following script …

public function actionGrab(){

        $aControllers = [];

        $path = APP_PATH . 'protected/';

        $ctrls = function($path) use (&$ctrls, &$aControllers){

            $oIterator = new DirectoryIterator($path);

            foreach($oIterator as $oFile){


                    && (false !== strpos($oFile->getPathname(), 'protected/controllers')

                        || false !== strpos($oFile->getPathname(), 'protected/modules')






                        if(strpos($oFile->getBasename(), 'Controller.php')){

                            $content = file_get_contents($oFile->getPathname());

                            $controllerName = $oFile->getBasename('.php');

                            $route = explode('protected/', $oFile->getPathname());

                            $route = str_ireplace(array('modules', 'controllers', 'protected', 'Controller.php'), '',  $route[1]);

                            $route = preg_replace("/(\/){2,}/", "/", $route);

                            $aControllers[$controllerName] = [

                                'filepath'  => $oFile->getPathname(),

                                'route'     => mb_strtolower($route),

                                'actions'   => [],


                            preg_match_all('#function action(.*)\(#ui', $content, $aData);

                            $acts = function($aData) use (&$aControllers, &$controllerName){

                                if(!empty($aData) && isset($aData[1]) && !empty($aData[1])){

                                    $aControllers[$controllerName]['actions'] = array_map(

                                        function($actionName){ return mb_strtolower(trim($actionName, '{\\.*()')); },












        echo '<pre>';



and it is shown something like this…



    [NewsController] => Array


            [filepath] => /var/www/***/protected/modules/admin/modules/static/controllers/NewsController.php

            [route] => /admin/static/news

            [actions] => Array


                    [0] => list

                    [1] => add

                    [2] => edit

                    [3] => delete



    [PageController] => Array


            [filepath] => /var/www/***/protected/controllers/PageController.php

            [route] => /page

            [actions] => Array


                    [0] => view

                    [1] => section




I think that script looks really crazy… :blink: :D

Is there more simple way?

Awesome, thanks for sharing ;) .

this wont work if the controller is extending the actual controller for instance if i am using a module extension and i have overridden the module controllers to add my specific new actions, it will only detect the new ones and not the base controller actions.