How To Get A Simple Pagination Just Having Prev,next Link

I fetch some records from another web server with offset,limit parameters(like mysql). However, to keep better performance, the server just return a page of record and tell me ture if having more records or false. it does not tell me the total item count,

So I just need a pagination with prev,next link. How to solve this? Must I rewrite CPagination, CLinkpager?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

hi, I have already solved it, thank.

class EHasNextLinkPager extends CBasePager



	protected function createPageButtons()


		$currentPage=$this->getCurrentPage(false); // currentPage is calculated in getPageRange()


		// first page


		// prev page




		// next page



		return $buttons;


	public function getHasNext()


		return $this->getPages()->getHasNext();



class ETopHasNextPagination extends CComponent



	public function getHasNext()


		return $this->_hasNext;


	public function setHasNext($value)


		$this->_hasNext = $value;


