For a school project I need to implement a CSS custom filesheet into Yii framework but i’m pretty new to Yii framework. Can someone please help me with this error en what it means/how to fix it?
Thank you in advance.
For a school project I need to implement a CSS custom filesheet into Yii framework but i’m pretty new to Yii framework. Can someone please help me with this error en what it means/how to fix it?
Thank you in advance.
It looks like you’re attempting to include a CSS file at line 7 into your main.php file. PHP’s require throws a fatal error when it’s unable to find the file in the file path you’ve provided or it’s unable to find the file in the “include_path” configuration which you modify in your php.ini.
I’d recommend having a read through, it’s an invaluable resource on helping you understand the errors you’re receiving.
So, in your case, you just need to ensure you’re passing the correct file path to your login.css file.
Thank you for your answer. The wird thing is the file path is correct, so i guess somewhere there is a line where the incorect file path is being incorrectly passed.
The correct file path is:
As you can see it’s being passed corectly
I’ve also implemented the forward slash instead of the backslah and i’m currently out of ideas what could cause this error…
Can you show me what the root of your project looks like? If you’re attempting to pass files relatively then it’s looking for “Schoolproject/frontend/config/login.css” from the context in which you’re calling it.
Do you maybe have Discord? Then we can show you visually and you can walk us trough? It depends on the timezone of course because here it’s almost evening