Hey everyone, thanks for taking the time to read .
I have an integer column in my db called Priority. This column should have only one unique number. Eg Priority 1 , 2 , 3 ,4 and so on , but a different user in the same table can have also the same priority. But the same user cannot have the same priority.
I tried to use unique in the validation rules but obviously it validates all of the data and it dose not filter by user id . How can i filter the validation rules only on the current user or how can i check if the Priority only exists for the current user.
For a start, you can enforce the restriction in the database (to ensure data integrity). Add a unique constraint across both the user ID and priority fields. That’ll prevent the risk of invalid data.
Next, I suspect that you can use the criteria property of the CUniqueValidator class:
Let us assume that we have a model CustomModel. It has got two fields apart from other fields.
As Keith suggested, we can make a rule in the following way.
'priority', 'unique','className'=>'customModel','attributeName'=>'priority', 'criteria'=>array(
'condition'=>'username = :username',
'params'=>array(':username'=> $userName),
//$userName may be like Yii::app()->user->id or you might have assigned in some other way.
//If you are using the rule in the same model for same attribute , properties 'className','attributeName' not needed.
We can make custom validator.
public function checkUniqueness($attribute,$params)
if(CustomModel::model()->exists('username=:username AND priority=:priority',array(
$this->addError($attribute,"You have your priority set already");