How To Filter Clistview When Model Overrides Cactiverecord?

I’m using Yii 1.1.13. I had the need to connect to different databases so I have certain models which extend a class that overrides the CActiveRecord

For example, my news model:

class Noticias extends DBNoticiasActiveRecord


//override default db conn

public function getDbConnection()


    return self::getBDNoticiasDbConnection();



 * Returns the static model of the specified AR class.

 * @param string $className active record class name.

 * @return Noticias the static model class


public static function model($className=__CLASS__)


    return parent::model($className);



 * @return string the associated database table name


public function tableName()


    return 'TblNoticias';



And my DBNoticiasActiveRecord class is:


* Custom wrapper class to CActiveRecord.

* getBDNoticiasDbConnection() override Controller. All News controller classes for this     application should extend from this class.


class DBNoticiasActiveRecord extends CActiveRecord {

private static $dbnoticias = null;

protected static function getBDNoticiasDbConnection()


    if (self::$dbnoticias !== null)

        return self::$dbnoticias;



        self::$dbnoticias = Yii::app()->dbnoticias;

        if (self::$dbnoticias instanceof CDbConnection)



            return self::$dbnoticias;



            throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','Active Record requires a "db" CDbConnection application component.'));




What I’m trying to do is apply an ajax filter form before the CListView in my view. I’ve got it working in other Yii apps where there is only 1 database connection. But with this override, the listview doesn’t get filtered.

Is there something elese I should be doing? I reaaly need this to work and it seemed so simple to implement.

