How to do count query inside eager loading

I am getting data from 3 tables thanks to yii2 eager loading. But also, I need to run one COUNT() function to count number of returned rows from one table. If I run it inside select() method, my query will fail saying "Trying to get property of non-object" if I try to display result from one of the joined tables.

This is my normal query:

$comments = Comment::find()->where(['in', 'post_id', $posts])




I want to count number of post_id in my comment table, executed by this query. ( I want to get comments along with posts that they belong too and users that made those comments, plus count number of posts ( defined by $posts array ) that have comments.

I have tried with this but failed:

$comments = Comment::find()->select(['COUNT(user_id) AS count'])

                           ->where(['in', 'post_id', $posts])




Do anyone know how I can do this ?

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Anyone ?

You wrote "AS count". You could try to write "AS counting", because "count" is a reserved SQL keyword. Then you have to create the "counting" attribute in the class Comment:

class Comment{

public $counting;



If I do it like that now I get another error : Trying to get property of a non object, most likely because my query hasn’t selected necessary fields from related tables, and I do not know how to disambiguate them.

$comments = Comment::find()->select(['COUNT(user_id) AS userCount'])

                           ->where(['in', 'post_id', $posts])




If I try to access post->title, I will get error.

foreach ($comments as $data) {

    echo $data->post->title; // error - unknown column in the field list


If I try to select like this I will get sql error because I do not know how to disabiguate fields that have the same name in all 3 tables ( for example id, or title )

->select(['', 'post.title', 'COUNT(user_id) AS userCount'])

How I am supposed to do this ?

If I use joinWith insted of with and manually select all, I will get only one result returned and there should be more:

$comments = Comment::find()->select(['user.*', 'post.*', 'comment.*', 'COUNT(user_id) AS userCount'])

                           ->where(['in', 'post.post_id', $posts])




What am I doing wrong ? This is killing me…

Changing ->all() to ->count() should do the job, this is what i practically use for my exists() now

$comments = Comment::find()->select(['user.*', 'post.*', 'comment.*', 'COUNT(user_id) AS userCount'])

                           ->where(['in', 'post.post_id', $posts])


