How to do ajaxlink/ajax button for this.....not works....

Dear all,

I have the following stuff to let the user "bookmark a page" or "delete the bookmark" to a news page( in notescontroller).

Codes in NotesController… the bookmark url is something like this:

      public function actionSave($id)




	        $model=new NotesUserAssignment;


                $model->notes_id = $notes->id;




Yii::app()->user->setFlash('notes', "You have successfully bookmarked this notes.");




else { 

         throw new CHttpException(400,'Invalid request. You have already bookmarked this note. Please do not repeat this request again.');



For the view:

$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.BootButton', array(

    'label'=>'Bookmark it',

     'icon'=>'inbox white',



    'htmlOptions'=>array('data-placement'=>'left','data-title'=>'Bookmark this note', 'data-content'=>'Once you bookmarked the note to your bookmarks, you can access it directly from your profile page.', 'rel'=>'popover'),


Is there a way I can do ajaxlink for this…?

I tried

echo CHtml::ajaxLink(

  "Link Text",


  array( // ajaxOptions

    'beforeSend' => "function( request )


   //what should i put here....


    'success' => "function( data )


     //...what should i put here


   // 'data' => array( 'something here?' )  and this..?


  array( //htmlOptions

    'href' => Yii::app()->createUrl('save/'.$model->id ),

    'class' => $someclass,



I am not very familiar with Yii’s ajax stuff…

Thanks so much for your help!!!!!!!

Thanks again! :D :D :D :D

Use ‘update’ in ajaxLink to call the action save, and use renderPartial to render the responde without layout.

Happy coding.

Thanks for your reply dude.

So I do something like this in the view?

<?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('clickMe', array('save'), array('update'=>'#forAjaxRefresh'));?>


<?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('clickMe', array('save/'.$model->id), array('update'=>'#forAjaxRefresh'));?>

Because actionSave($id) is with ($id)…

I know I need to render partial to make the "flash" work but now even the actions in the controller is not working…(not save to the database at all if i use ajax)

Thanks so much for your help!!!

Have a good day!

Tried another way…no works… :( ??? ???

Thanks for any help!!!

As a matter of fact, this syntax could work:

<?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('clickMe', array('save/'.$model->id), array('update'=>'#forAjaxRefresh'));?>

But to be on the safe side

<?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('clickMe', $this->createUrl('save', array('id' => $model->id)), array('update'=>'#forAjaxRefresh'));?>

Thanks for your help…I tried but it’s so weird…

I have an ajax button to let the user vote…after you vote, the button will be updated to another ajax button and you can revoke your vote…

Now I can use ajax to change to button from “vote for it " to " revoke the vote”. But then, I can’t change it back…Which means I can only request AJAX once!.. (Or I can only change the button form revoke to vote for it… still can only ajax once)

From the controller:


From the View:



echo CHtml::ajaxLink('Vote for it', $this->createUrl('voteup', array('id' => $model->id)), array('update'=>'#ajaxgame','type' => 'POST'), array('class'=>'btn btn-primary btn-success'));



echo CHtml::ajaxLink('Voted', $this->createUrl('votedown', array('id' => $model->id)), array('update'=>'#ajaxgame','type' => 'POST'), array('class'=>'btn btn-primary btn-success'));



Finally…the _view…for ajax…


echo CHtml::ajaxLink('Voted', $this->createUrl('votedown', array('id' => $id)), array('update'=>'#ajaxgame','type' => 'POST'), array('class'=>'btn btn-primary btn-success'));




echo CHtml::ajaxLink('Vote for it', $this->createUrl('voteup', array('id' => $id)), array('update'=>'#ajaxgame','type' => 'POST'), array('class'=>'btn btn-primary btn-success'));

