I have two table: produit, and categorie. I want to display produit data by category using relation "produits" from table category, using foreach in my view categorie like:
foreach($model->produits as $produit)
In Categorie controller:
public function actionViewcateg($id)
My problem is I want to display the renderSummary() and renderPager() from CBaseListView widget. How can I do that?
I’v tried to use CActiveDataProvider but I don’t know how to select data from the relation.
okay here just replace your ProductController/actionIndex with this change your variable and column names accordingly and you should be good to go
public function actionIndex($category = '')
// remember now this $category is your category ID from categories table
// so when you creating the links you have to pass in the category ID like so
// /products/index?category=1
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
if (!empty($category)) {
$criteria->join = "JOIN categories c ON t.category_id = c.id";
$criteria->compare("c.id", $category);
$dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Product', ['criteria' => $criteria]);
$this->render('index', compact('dataProvider'));