How To Display Name Instead Of Id In Cdetailview

hello everyone…

i am trying to print Location name instead of id in my CDetailView but it’s printing $data->getLocatinName() same thing. i tried this code with CGridView there it’s working fine but here its printing something else.

My CDetail view Code…

<?php $this->widget(‘zii.widgets.CDetailView’, array(






in my model i am calling method getLocationName() code is…

public function getLocationName()


        &#036;query= Locations::model()-&gt;find(&quot;LocationId=&#036;this-&gt;CurrentLocation&quot;);


        return &#036;lname;


Please Suggest how to print name? :unsure:


try this…

for example…


public function Showusernamedd()


        $user_details = User::model()->findAll();

        $dd_data = array();

        if(isset($user_details) && !empty($user_details))


            foreach($user_details AS $user)


                $dd_data[$user->id] = $user->firstname.' '.$user->lastname.' ('.$user->username.') - '.$user->user_type;                    



        return $dd_data;


Thnaks bro… :D