How to disable Yii2 pjax asset loading automatically

How can I stop Yii2 from loading the Pjax asset file automatically when I use the Pjax widget? I want to load it myself from a CDN. I’ve tried this in the config file:

        'assetManager' => [

            'bundles' => [

                'yii\web\PjaxAsset' => [





But that doesn’t do anything. Any suggestions?

        'assetManager' => [

            'bundles' => [

                'yii\web\PjaxAsset' => false



Unfortunately, that did not work either. I’ve also disabled Jquery and Bootstrap and those all disappear but the Pjax file is still there. Here is the full section right now:

			'assetManager' => [

				'bundles' => [

					'yii\web\PjaxAsset' => FALSE,

					'yii\web\JqueryAsset' => [



					'yii\bootstrap\BootstrapPluginAsset' => [



					'yii\bootstrap\BootstrapAsset' => [

						'css' => [],




Set the rest of the entries to ‘false’ instead of [ ‘js’=>[] ]

It is ‘false’, not ‘FALSE’ !

If it still shows up, it is because one of the other asset bundles are having it as a dependency - try and set it to false as well.