How to determine the location of Yii2 console bootstrap file in the runtime?

I’m creating a plugin that has a console controller.

Here’s the plugin layout




The content of the controller itself is something like below

namespace plugin\controller;

class MyController extends \yii\console\Controller {

     public function actionFoo(){


     public function actionBar(){



The config of an app that uses that controller will look like this

'controllerMap' => [

    'my' => [

        'class' => 'plugin\controller\MyController'



That way the app can use something like this for executing the controller

yii my/foo

The problem is, in the actionFoo I want to execute the actionBar through exec().

This is as far as I can go,

Since I can set the name of the console command for the controller using the controller map, I can also pass the name as the attribute of the controller.

'controllerMap' => [

    'my' => [

        'class' => 'plugin\controller\MyController',

        'name' => 'my',



And the controller will be like this

namespace plugin\controller;

class MyController extends \yii\console\Controller {

     public $name = 'my';

     public function actionFoo() {

         $yiipath = 'yii';

         $command = PHP_BINARY . " {$yiipath} {$this->my}/bar";



     public function actionBar() {



The question is, how do I determine the path of the yii script (i.e. Yii console bootstrap file) for the $yiipath variable above?

The only way I can think of is

$yiipath = getcwd()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_SERVER['argv'][0];

but is there a Yii2 way?