How to create multiple login access with different database in yii2?

Hello i am creating web reporting administration for my company. There are 3 database login, so i need to make 3 different login function. The problem is when login the application is trying to findidentity with every class that implement identityInterface.

For Example i have

FORM A -> Login to Mysql

FORM B -> Login to Postgresql

FORM C -> Login to Mysql

when i login to using Form A the other FORM B and FORM C is also logged in.

here is my configuration



    $params = require(__DIR__ . '/params.php');


    $config = [

        'id' => 'basic',

        'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__),

        'bootstrap' => ['log'],

        'defaultRoute' => 'web',

        'components' => ['urlManager' => [

                'enablePrettyUrl' => true,

                'showScriptName' => false,

                'enableStrictParsing' => false,

                'rules' => [],


            'request' => [

                // !!! insert a secret key in the following (if it is empty) - this is required by cookie validation

                'cookieValidationKey' => 'vOVnTnH6zKE10R21oPfSz81DELj0W9GK',



            'cache' => [

                'class' => 'yii\caching\FileCache',


            'user' => [

            	'class' => 'yii\web\User',

                'identityClass' => 'app\models\User',

                'loginUrl' => 'site/login',


            'admin' => [

            	'class' => 'yii\web\User',

                'identityClass' => 'app\models\web\Admin',

                'enableAutoLogin' => true,

                'loginUrl' => 'adminfaspay',


            'member' => [

            	'class' => 'yii\web\User',

                'identityClass' => 'app\models\web\Member',

                'enableAutoLogin' => true,

                'loginUrl' => 'web/dochecklogin',


            'merchant' => [

            	'class' => 'yii\web\User',

                'identityClass' => 'app\models\report\Merchant',

                'enableAutoLogin' => false,

                'loginUrl' => 'home/login',



            'errorHandler' => [

                'errorAction' => 'site/error',


            'mailer' => [

                'class' => 'yii\swiftmailer\Mailer',

                // send all mails to a file basename(path)y default. You have to set

                // 'useFileTransport' to false and configure a transport

                // for the mailer to send real emails.

                'useFileTransport' => true,


            'log' => [

                'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ? 3 : 0,

                'targets' => [


                        'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget',

                        'levels' => ['error', 'warning'],




            'db' => require(__DIR__ . '/db.php'),

            'db2' => require(__DIR__ . '/dbmssql.php'),

            'db3' => require(__DIR__ . '/dbmsorcl.php'),

            'db4' => require(__DIR__ . '/dbmsmysql.php'),

            'db5' => require(__DIR__ . '/dbposgre.php'),



        'timeZone' => 'UTC',

        'params' => $params,

        'modules' => [

    	    'gridview' => [

    	    'class' => '\kartik\grid\Module'

    	    // enter optional module parameters below - only if you need to

    	    // use your own export download action or custom translation

    	    // message source

    	    // 'downloadAction' => 'gridview/export/download',

    	    // 'i18n' => []





    if (YII_ENV_DEV) {

        // configuration adjustments for 'dev' environment

        $config['bootstrap'][] = 'debug';

        $config['modules']['debug'] = 'yii\debug\Module';


        $config['bootstrap'][] = 'gii';

        $config['modules']['gii'] = 'yii\gii\Module';



    return $config;

My Member.php



    namespace app\models\web;

    use Yii;


    use yii\base\NotSupportedException;

    use yii\db\ActiveRecord;

    use yii\helpers\Security;

    use yii\web\IdentityInterface;


    class Member extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord implements \yii\web\IdentityInterface


        public $authKey;


        public static function getDb()


            return \Yii::$app->db5;  // use the "db2" application component



        public static function tableName()


            return 'member_merchant';



        public function rules()


            return [

                [['email', 'password'], 'required']



        public function attributeLabels()


            return [

                'id' => 'User id',

                'email' => 'Email',

                'password' => 'Password'





         * @inheritdoc


        public static function findIdentity($id)


                  $users = self::find()

                    ->where(["id" => $id])


            return $users;



         * @inheritdoc


        public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token, $type = null)


            foreach (self::$users as $user) {

                if ($user['accessToken'] === $token) {

                    return new static($user);




            return null;




         * Finds user by username


         * @param  string      $username

         * @return static|null


        public static function findByUsername($email) {


            $users = self::find()

                    ->where(["email" => $email])



            if (!count($users)) {

                return null;



            return $users;




         * @inheritdoc


        public function getId()


            return $this->id;




         * @inheritdoc


        public function getAuthKey()


            return $this->authKey;




         * @inheritdoc


        public function validateAuthKey($authKey)


            return $this->authKey === $authKey;




         * Validates password


         * @param  string  $password password to validate

         * @return boolean if password provided is valid for current user


        public function validatePassword($password)


            return $this->password === sha1($password);






    namespace app\models\web;

    use Yii;


    use yii\base\NotSupportedException;

    use yii\db\ActiveRecord;

    use yii\helpers\Security;

    use yii\web\IdentityInterface;


    class Admin extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord implements \yii\web\IdentityInterface


        public $authKey;


        public static function getDb()


            return \Yii::$app->db5;  // use the "db2" application component



        public static function tableName()


            return 'admin';



        public function rules()


            return [

                [['username', 'password'], 'required']



        public function attributeLabels()


            return [

                'id' => 'User id',

                'username' => 'Username',

                'password' => 'Password'




         * @inheritdoc


        public static function findIdentity($id)


                  $users = self::find()

                    ->where(["id" => $id])


            return $users;




         * @inheritdoc


        public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token, $type = null)


            foreach (self::$users as $user) {

                if ($user['accessToken'] === $token) {

                    return new static($user);




            return null;




         * Finds user by username


         * @param  string      $username

         * @return static|null


        public static function findByUsername($username) {


            $users = self::find()

                    ->where(["username" => $username])



            if (!count($users)) {

                return null;



            return $users;




         * @inheritdoc


        public function getId()


            return $this->id;




         * @inheritdoc


        public function getAuthKey()


            return $this->authKey;




         * @inheritdoc


        public function validateAuthKey($authKey)


            return $this->authKey === $authKey;




         * Validates password


         * @param  string  $password password to validate

         * @return boolean if password provided is valid for current user


        public function validatePassword($password)


            return $this->password === sha1($password);






    namespace app\models\report;

    use Yii;


    use yii\base\NotSupportedException;

    use yii\db\ActiveRecord;

    use yii\helpers\Security;

    use yii\web\IdentityInterface;


    class Merchant extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord implements \yii\web\IdentityInterface


        public $authKey;


        public static function tableName()


            return 'usys.usex';



        public function rules()


            return [

                [['passwd', 'user_uid'], 'required']



        public function attributeLabels()


            return [

                'user_uid' => 'User id',

                'username' => 'Username',

                'password' => 'Password'




         * @inheritdoc


        public static function findIdentity($id)


                  $users = self::find()->with('userGroups')->with('userBois')

                    ->where(["usex_uid" => $id])


            return $users;




         * @inheritdoc


        public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token, $type = null)


            foreach (self::$users as $user) {

                if ($user['accessToken'] === $token) {

                    return new static($user);




            return null;




         * Finds user by username


         * @param  string      $username

         * @return static|null


        public static function findByUsername($username) {

            $users = self::find()

                    ->where(["user_uid" => $username])



            if (!count($users)) {

                return null;



            return $users;




         * @inheritdoc


        public function getId()


            return $this->usex_uid;




         * @inheritdoc


        public function getAuthKey()


            return $this->authKey;




         * @inheritdoc


        public function validateAuthKey($authKey)


            return $this->authKey === $authKey;




         * Validates password


         * @param  string  $password password to validate

         * @return boolean if password provided is valid for current user


        public function validatePassword($password)


            return $this->passwd === $password;



        public function getUserGroups()


            return $this->hasOne(UserGroup::className(), ['usex_uid' => 'usex_uid']);



        public function getUserBois()


            return $this->hasMany(UserBoi::className(), ['usex_uid' => 'usex_uid']);



really need help :(