How to create links to controllers in Admin LTE menu in yii2

I am using AdminLTE-2.3.4 in yii2 basic.

Now the dashboard is displayed and I changed the menus, but how can I link the controllers to menus?

For example when we click on Employee menu, Employee CRUD should be displayed, similarly when we click on Sign Out, Login page should be displayed.

Foll is the code for Employee menu, now when admin clicks on Employee menu, Employee CRUD should be displayed.?

<li><a href="documentation/index.html"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></i>Employee</a></li>

I would recommend using a yii2 extension for adminLTE. There are many. I use this one: dmstr/yii2-adminlte-asset. The author shows how to set up the left menu. Mine looks like this:

<?= dmstr\widgets\Menu::widget(


                'options' => ['class' => 'sidebar-menu'],

                'items' => [

                    ['label' => 'Tools Menu', 'options' => ['class' => 'header']],

                    ['label' => 'Stats', 'icon' => 'bar-chart', 'url' => ['stats/stats']],


                        'label' => 'Users', 

                        'icon' => 'user', 

                        'items' => [

                            ['label' => 'Accounts', 'icon' => 'id-badge', 'url' => ['/accounts/users'],],

// etc.