I started to create simple foundation of web application over Yii2 (kinda new person with frameworks). I faced a problem with error "Trying to get property of non-object". This happens when I give wrong username - so when the value of activationCode is null? Am I right? So I should check out if the value is null / if user exists or not. My question is: Am I right and if I am, how and where should I do that?
Code from my UserController.php
public function actionActivation()
$model = new ActivationForm;
if($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->validate())
$getUser = User::find()->where(['username'=>$model->username])->one();
if($model->activationCode === $getUser->activationCode)
$getUser->emailActivated = 1;
return $this->refresh();
elseif(!$model->activationCode === $getUser->activationCode)
// Yii::$app->session->serFlash('activationFormFailed');
return $this->refresh();
else {
return $this->render('activation', [
'model' => $model,
[font="Verdana"]The problem is on the 9th row:
if($model->activationCode === [color="#FF0000"]$getUser->activationCode[/color])
If you need more pieces of code, just ask.[/font]