How To Change The Class Of Ul/li In Ctabview?

I start this topic in purpose continuation this one.

Hope it will be more productive.

Problem: All you can do with htmlOptions of CTabView widget is to set wrapper html-class of tabs menu. In CTabView.php attribute called ‘CSS_CLASS’.

But you can do nothing to change ‘li’/‘ul’ style.

It’s pretty strange, yii don’t have appropriate methods to change ‘tab’-widget style.

Solution i found is pretty rude - change basic classes. I hope you’ll help me make it better way.


At first, when tabs created one set ‘a’-tag style. If you want to use something like Bootstrap, which work with ‘li’ style, it’s not suitable.

To solve creation problem i did next thing.

In framework/widget/CTabView.php i rearrange {$active} from ‘a’ to ‘li’:


protected function renderHeader()


echo "<ul class=\"nav nav-tabs\">\n";

	foreach($this->tabs as $id=>$tab)



		$active=$id===$this->activeTab?' class="active"' : '';


		echo "<li><a href=\"{$url}\"{$active}>{$title}</a></li>\n";


	echo "</ul>\n";



protected function renderHeader()


echo "<ul class=\"nav nav-tabs\">\n";

	foreach($this->tabs as $id=>$tab)



		$active=$id===$this->activeTab?' class="active"' : '';


		echo "<li{$active}><a href=\"{$url}\">{$title}</a></li>\n";


	echo "</ul>\n";


Next thing you have to do is change tabs behaviour in jQuery file Yii::app()->baseUrl() . assets/some_path/yiitab/jquery.yiitab.js


function activate(id) {

	var pos = id.indexOf("#");

	if (pos>=0) {

		id = id.substring(pos);


	var $tab=$(id);

	var $container=$tab.parent();

	$container.find('>ul a').removeClass('active');

	$container.find('>ul a[href="'+id+'"]').addClass('active');





function activate(id) {

	var pos = id.indexOf("#");

	if (pos>=0) {

		id = id.substring(pos);


	var $tab=$(id);

	var $container=$tab.parent();

	$container.find('>ul li').removeClass('active');

	$container.find('>ul a[href="'+id+'"]').parent().addClass('active');




I know it’s bad idea change basic classes, so, once again, i hope you’ll help me make it better way.

Thanks in advance.

Dear Friend

I do not know wheteher the following is a right way of doing things.

Anyway we can do the things.

We can copy the following two files and place it inside the css folder of web application.



In the view where we are showing the tabs, we can register the css files.

Make sure that jquery.ui.tabs.css is registered after jquery-ui.css.



To prevent the default loading of css files, we can set the "cssFile" property to false in the widget.



          'StaticTab 1'=>'Content for tab 1',

          'StaticTab 2'=>array('content'=>'Content for tab 2', 'id'=>'tab2'),



      'cssFile'=>false, //Here we are preventing the registeration of default css files.






Now we can play with css in the file jquery.ui.tabs.css inside the css folder.
