how to change style of CDetailView?

Hi, how to change css of CDetailView ?

  1. how will I remove that alternating blue color of the CDetailView css ?

  2. and let’s say,based from the code below, How will I change the PositionTitle into <h1>Position</h1 ?

  3. how will I apply a different css class for each attribute ?

$this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(






















<?php $this->widget(‘zii.widgets.CDetailView’, array(


[b]'cssFile' =&gt; Yii::app()-&gt;baseUrl . '',[/b]


I added

'cssFile' => Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . '/css/profile.css'

the blue alternating color is still there, do i need to overwrite something ? or remove something ?

@ sasori, can u just go to ur asset folder and copy style.css in the cdetailview then edit it by changing this code

table.detail-view th


	text-align: right;

	width: 160px;


table.detail-view tr.odd


     //@ sasori change this HeX color code 



table.detail-view tr.even


//@ sasori change this HeX color code



here’s what i did,

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(

        'cssFile' => Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl .'/css/profile.css',





















)); ?>

at the profile.css, i pasted the codes from the detailview assets’ style file


table.detail-view .null


	color: pink;




	background: white;

	border-collapse: collapse;

	width: 100%;

	margin: 0;


table.detail-view th, table.detail-view td


	font-size: 0.9em;

	border: 1px white solid;

	padding: 0.3em 0.6em;

	vertical-align: top;


table.detail-view th


	text-align: right;

	width: 160px;


table.detail-view tr.odd


/*	background:#E5F1F4;*/

        background: black;


table.detail-view tr.even


/*	background:#F8F8F8;*/

        background: black;


table.detail-view tr.odd th



table.detail-view tr.even th



I refreshed the page…nothing happened …why?

Hi, sasori,

Probably you’ve caught in this bug:

Bug Reports - Even row style of Blueprint screen css

Try removing the following line from /css/screen.css.

tbody tr:nth-child(even) td, tbody tr.even td {background:#e5ecf9;}

As for 2) and 3), I think you can make use of the cssClass and/or the template of each attribute items. Take a look at the class reference.


The bug has been fixed by 1.1.7.

if u use firefox or chrome browser u can use the developer tool (firebug for firefox) to see with css is applied to your fields so that u can edit it. Also

can u comment out some of the css files that u loaded in the layout/main.php file ??? :mellow: :mellow:

this can enable u to see which css is actually working for your cdetailView.

Did you delete the content of the assets folder?

I believe this is your answer:


$this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(







      'template'=>"<tr class=\"{class}\"><td>{label}</td><td><h1>{value}</h1></td></tr>\n",




















Adding !important as I have above should override the styles and fix your problem.

I described my solution (of a newbe) in: