How to call yii2-widget-growl using jquery?


how can i call growl using jquery


	$success = Yii::$app->session->get('success');

	if( isset ($success) )


		echo Growl::widget([

	    'type' => Growl::TYPE_DANGER,

	    'title' => 'Error!',

	    'icon' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign',

	    'body' => 'We have Encountered an Error',

	    'showSeparator' => true,

	    // 'delay' => 2500,

	    'pluginOptions' => [

	        // 'showProgressbar' => true,

	        'placement' => [

	            'from' => 'top',

	            'align' => 'right',







this above is my code for alert in my view page. Its display is based on the value inside a session variable success. It is set inside the controller action. I want to display using jquery




                $(document).ready(function () {

                    $("body").on("beforeSubmit", "form#dynamic-form222", function () {

                        var form = $(this);

                        // return false if form still have some validation errors

                        if (form.find(".has-error").length) 


                            return false;


                        // submit form


                            url    : form.attr("action"),

                            type   : "post",

                            data   : form.serialize(),

                            success: function (response) 



                                $.pjax.reload({container:"#countries"}); //for pjax update[size=2] [/size]


                            error  : function () 


                                console.log("internal server error");



                        return false;




