How To Call Controller Action Using Ajax & Pass Parameters Using Ajax To Controller Action

Hii guys,

     I need urgent help plz help.

i have two date fields:



		<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'FromDate'); ?>















)); ?>

<?php echo $form->error($model,'FromDate'); ?>




		<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'ToDate'); ?>














                             'ajax' => array('datatype'=>'JSON', 'type'=>'POST', 

                              'url'=>$this->createurl('mstleave/getdays'),  ////url to call   

                              'data'=> array('ToDate'=>'js:this.value','FromDate'=>'js:$("#FromDate").val()'),

                              'success'=>'js:function(data) {$("#Mstleave_Duration").val(data); }',)


				)); ?>

		<?php echo $form->error($model,'ToDate'); ?>


my question is i have written getdays action in my controller. i want that action to call on selection ToDate field & update value to another textfield.

My Controller action is:

public function actionGetdays()



         $sql = 'SELECT datediff('.$_POST['ToDate'].','.$_POST['FromDate'].')';

         $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql);

         $result = $command->queryScalar(); 

         echo $result ; 





There is an option called onSelect here u will be available with selected date. so u can make ajax call and with response u can update your another text fields

This is sample code





										'model' => $time,

										'attribute' => "[".$index."]studplantime_tdate",

										'language'=> 'de',

										'value'=> $time->studplantime_tdate,

										'options'   => array(

											'dateFormat' => '',




											'onSelect' => 'js:function(selectedDate, inst) {

											// HERE GOES YOUR CODE <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />



