How To Autoclose Or Destroy Cjuidiaсог After 5 Seconds?

I have dialog for flash messages. But now the user must click close or escape button. I want to destroy dialog after 5 seconds, but only form inside this dialog destroys (( May be use something else instead of CJuiDialog ? Help please.


if($flashes = Yii::app()->user->getFlashes()) {

    foreach($flashes as $key => $message) {

        if($key != 'counters') {

            $this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array(



                            'show' => 'blind',

                            'hide' => 'explode',

                            'modal' => 'true',

                            'title' => $message['title'],



							'buttons'=>array('Закрыть'=>'js:function() {$(this).dialog("close");}'),










            printf('<span class="dialog">%s</span>', $message['content']);






updated code

$this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array(


    // additional javascript options for the dialog plugin


        'title'=>'Dialog box 1',


        'open' => 'js:function(event, ui) {            

            setTimeout(function() {


            }, 5000);





YES!!!! It’s great! Thank you very much, mbala!