How to access related attribute in listData?

I have 3 models: A, B, C

How can I access related attribute in listData from A Controller?




                $list=B::model()->findAll('anotherAttribute = :test', array(':test'=>$anAttribute));


		foreach ($list as $value=>$name){

			echo CHtml::tag('option',array('value'=>$value),CHtml::encode($name),true);


Instead of name_B I want an attribute of C (B HAS_ONE C)

How can I do this? I tried:


and id_C is foreign key in B

But it shows the attribute as per id_B not id_C???

I tried anonymous function and same result…How can I solve it?

You could solve in this way:



$list=B::model()->findAll('anotherAttribute = :test', array(':test'=>$anAttribute));

foreach($list as $m)


      echo CHtml::tag('option',array('value'=>$m->id_<img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />,CHtml::encode($m->B_to_C_relation->attribute),true);


Hi Fabrizio, same result…

The value is stored correctly but the names displayed in dropDown are not correct…

What is the content to be displayed?

Check content of $m->B_to_C_relation->attribute

I want to display an attribute (name) from C.

The relation is B HAS_ONE C.

B has:




and C has:


-name(this is the attribute I want to display)


So what I want to do:

$list=B::model()->findAll('anotherAttribute = :test', array(':test'=>$anAttribute));


Is it possible or I am mixing B and C?



attribute ‘name’ doesn’t exist in B model.

Look carefully to this code:



$list=B::model()->findAll('anotherAttribute = :test', array(':test'=>$anAttribute));

foreach($list as $m)


      echo CHtml::tag('option',array('value'=>$m->id_<img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />,CHtml::encode($m->B_to_C_relation->name),true);


if B_to_C_relation is a relation in B model.

Otherwise, post your B and C models.

It is like this:

  1. I findAll() in B and I want to take id_C from these records found.

  2. List all from C where id_C is equal to those found in step 1

  3. Access name in C

Sure, but you avoid to make an other for-cycle to have CHtml::listData.

How can I do it? please help

I have written.

If code works but content displayed is not correct, check attributes and relation’s attribute value.

Otherwise, post your B and C models.

The problem was the relation…It should be B belongs_to C not B has_one C

My stupid mistake!

Thank you for your help Fabrizio :)