How Do I Register Custom jQuery Css

I am trying to use a custom jQuery css. I have tried registerig just the css file





This results in a dialog without any style from the style sheet.

I also have tried registering the js and css

$jquery = Yii::app()->baseUrl.'/js/jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js';

$jqueryCss = Yii::app()->baseUrl.'/js/jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom/css/custom-theme/jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.css';



This results in no jquery being registered.

What am I missing?

Just this morning I needed to use a different stylesheet for the datepicker widget, since the section I am working on uses a different theme than my main application. I did it like this:

    'filter'=>$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatepicker', array('model'=>$model, 'attribute'=>'date', 'options' => array('dateFormat' => 'yy-mm-dd'), 'themeUrl' => 'themes/label/css/', 'theme' => 'ui',), true)

You can set 'themeUrl and ‘theme’ in the CJui options array. I simply place my UI css files in the themes/label/css/ui/ directory, so essentially wherever you want to store the CSS files will do.

I am not using a widget or cjui. I am registering the the js and css.

You say you are using a dialog. Why not just use the built in dialog widget? It registers the files itself.

I need to simply open a url with dynamic content. I was unable to either get the ajaxLink to work or load the url using cjui dialog. So I added a simple function

$(function() {

	var $dialog = $('<div id="inventory-details"></div>');


		title: 'Invetory Details',

		autoOpen: false,

		modal: true,

		position: ['center', 'top'],

		width: 'auto',

		height: 'auto',


	$('table.items a').click(function() {


		return false;



	$('.ui-widget-overlay').live('click', function() {

		$('#inventory-details').dialog( "close" );



and registered the jQuery




figuring it would be easy enuf to use registerCssFils to point to my Theme Roller css.

Did you find a solution to this?