How data provider can return results for last 24h

I need to return results from database table only where updated_at is not older than 24h.

Inside my index action I have this code:

$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

    'query' => SearchStats::find(),

    'pagination' => [

        'pageSize' => 10,



How can I modify this code to return me results that where inserted/updated in the past 24h hours ?

updated_at is integer, and I am using TimestampBehavior.

Thanks in advance


Basically you have to do:

  • calculate how many seconds 24 hours have

$last_24_hours = 60 * 60 * 24; // 3637440 seconds 

  • get current timestamp


  • calculate 24 hours old timestamp

$yesterday_stamp = $current_time - $last_24_hours;

And modify your query to receive only data that is younger than your "yesterday" timestamp:

$query = SearchStats::find(); 

// select where updated_at is bigger or equals $yesterday_timestamp

$query->where('updated_at >= '.$yesterday_stamp);

$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([

    'query' => $query,

    'pagination' => [

        'pageSize' => 10,



The code above is not tested but I think it should work like this.

Best Regards