How can I get the rawSql

How can I get the rawSql executed after a $model->save()??
Thank you so much.

My code return null

            $sql = $model->getDb()->createCommand()->getRawSql();
            echo ($sql);

Turn on logging, check what’s there.

Thanks samdark. I’ll take a look and try it.

You are running no SQL all all. Try

 $sql = MyModel::find()->createCommand()->getRawSql();

Thanks Stefano…it works
But that shows me “SELECT * FROM table”
and what I hope to see is
“UPDATE table SET…”

You can see sql if you use the debugger.
I think you can get sql with parameters if you use profiling.

I think you misunderstand what is the use of that method. It shows you the raw SQL instead of actually running a command. But you need to build up that command first.

Thanks for your answer.
It is possible that I have not understood the use or it may not be the solution I am looking for.
But my initial question is clear. Is it possible to know what is the SQL statement that YII creates to execute the save() method of a model?

@tri have pointed you to an answer to that question. And Yes, for that problem rawSql is not the solution you are looking for

Thx @tri & @evstevemd
I will study the topic.