
Hello everyone!

Please have a look at my site hintsbox.com.

This is a bloglike system created specially for programmers. Using it you can create your list of solutions for various programming problems that you encounter when coding. Those solutions I call hints. Make your own box of hints :) .

So, please, take a look and give me your feedback.


hey viter!!

Excellent site :) and suppose to be quite usefull. I was searching for this kind of website. very good keep it up. Give a tag cloud, it will be very usefull.

Ananda Verma

Thank you, rahul.vit09.

My site still has only base functionality, but I have some more ideas and hope to implement them soon. And it has something like tags cloud already.

Good idea and looks like a nice base to build on. :)

I changed my app’s domain. Now it’s hintsbox.tk

Now facebook users can login into hintsbox.tk using their facebook accounts. Also I created facebook app Hintsbox. Please try it here.