Highchart Rendering Bug


it’s my first post here and I’ve written my first php line just one week ago, so please be patient if you consider my question stupid. :)

When I display a chart with Hightchart, the graph is not rendered. It appears when I resize the text with my browser ( Firefox and Chrome ), or if I resize the window. The comment on this page ( www.yiiframework.com/extension/highcharts ) indicates the problem is known and we are several people stuck with it.

It would be great if someone could give a tips to solve this problem !

On StackOverflow someone is talking about a similar problem :

Maybe there is a relation between the two problems. I don’t know.


Same problem here, looks like its depending on php version. On server php5.3.10 this does not appear, on client php5.4.4-9 the chart doesn’t render correct. After resizing the chart renders…