Hiding column labels

I’m building a RESTful interface but I’m struggling to get the data in the correct format.

This is the query:





The result, as expected is something like:



    "time": "1970010100",

    "open": "100",

    "high": "105",

    "low": "98",

    "close": "102",

    "volume": "20000"



    "time": "1970010200",

    "open": "102",

    "high": "115",

    "low": "100",

    "close": "108",

    "volume": "12000"




However, I have a frontend component that consumes data in this format:










Is there any way to accomplish this in Yii? I found a post on how to do it in SQL: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16101495/how-can-i-suppress-column-header-output-for-a-single-sql-statement but I can figure out how to use mysql -N option in Yii (just for this query) or to set the column alias to ’ '. My last resource is to loop through the query to build a new array, but it doesn’t look right.

This is the code I’m using:




//Is there any way to have the functionality below in the query above?












return $result;