Help With Formmodel Payment Flow


I need to collect Shipping and Billing address, Credit Card Info and then allow user to confirm order.

The shipping and billing info is stored in the database.

The Credit Card info is not stored.

What is the best way to allow the user to fill out the data?

I am trying to show a page for shipping/billing

and then a page for Credit Card

but I do not know how to save all the info in one package to present to the user on the confirm order page.

hope this makes sense.


Why not to gather all this information on the one page?

Which exact difficulties you have with saving


Take a look at the wizardbehavior extension.

You have to generate CFormModels for each step.

The values of each step-forms are stored in the users session and you have access to all data of the different steps in the last/final action. There you can save the shipping/billing data to the db.

The user can go back in the ordering process, you can display a ‘steps’ breadcrumb and more.

It looks a bit complicated on the first try, but it is easy to use if you study and understand the demo of the extension.