Extension-- Help System – Coming soon
Help System Ver 1.0
Help System is an open source Yii extension that developers can use to easily implement a help system within their applications.
Extension-- Help System – Coming soon
Help System Ver 1.0
Help System is an open source Yii extension that developers can use to easily implement a help system within their applications.
Sounds interesting. For Yii 2?
When do you expect to have something to show?
Hi Trond,
Thanks for your interest. This extension for 1.1 version.
It’s ready now. I will upload as an extension soon.
Please explain it’s features
This extension is divided into tow separate modules, “Admin” and “Client”.
Help System client provides a dynamic widget that can be placed anywhere on your web page. The widget provides a link which when clicked will open up a popup window which displays the “Sections” and “Topics”.
Draggable :- The widget popup box is draggable.
Resizable :- The popup window is resizable from its right end corner.
In the Admin section there is a content management system which you can use to add help content.
Section Management :- This allows you to see the list of existing sections, add new sections, edit or delete existing ones. Note that you cannot delete sections which have topics under it.
Topic Management.:- Topic Management consist of topic add area , topic listing , topic edit and delete and topic reordering. Note that when you delete a topic all child topics of that topic will also be deleted.
Topic Reorder :- Topic reorder section displays a tree structure of topics. Here you can change the order of the topic listing and you can even change the parent of a topic. This is based on the section you have chosen from the filter.
Hi Trond,
You can find the extension from http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php/topic/50894-help-system/
Looks great. I can see how this is useful.