HELP! SRBAC install error.

hi, Spyros:

I have some problem when use srbac:

  1. download the code from svn

  2. copy the srbac to myapp/protected/modules

  3. config the config/main.php


return array(


	'name'=>'My Web Application',

	// preloading 'log' component


	// autoloading model and component classes







        'srbac' => array(






			'superUser' =>'Authority',




			'alwaysAllowed'=>array('SiteLogin','SiteLogout','SiteIndex','SiteAdmin','SiteError', 'SiteContact'),


			'listBoxNumberOfLines' => 15,

			'imagesPath' => 15,









	// application components







					'levels'=>'error, warning',





			// enable cookie-based authentication



		// uncomment the following to set up database



			'connectionString'=>'Your DSN',




			'connectionString'=>'mysql:host=;dbname=myapp', 'username'=>'myapp', 'password'=>'myapp'



		// SRBAC



			// The type of Manager (Database)


			// The database component used


			// The itemTable name (default:authitem)


			// The assignmentTable name (default:authassignment)


			// The itemChildTable name (default:authitemchild)




	// application-level parameters that can be accessed

	// using Yii::app()->params['paramName']


		// this is used in contact page





  1. visit the url :

  2. show me the message :


There is an error in your configuration

Create demo authItems?

and the [install] button is gray.

how can i do with these problem?

detail :

see the attachments image.

the detail image:



Do not use ‘css’=>‘srbac_red.css’,

That’s an example



Hi, Spyros,

I changed the css to srbac.css , and show the message:

notAuthorizedView [color="#FF0000"][/color]

layout [color="#FF0000"]application.views.layouts.admin[/color]

imagesPath [color="#FF0000"]15[/color]

imagesPack noia

header [color="#FF0000"]application.views.header[/color]

footer [color="#FF0000"]application.views.footer[/color]

and what this means?

how can i do?

It means that these customized alias do not point to an existing file

If you want to use the default settings remove them from the configuration

thanks Spyros!

just now I got it works ok.

but some where i am not understand…

[b] [color="#FF0000"][the old config][/color]


        'srbac' => array(






                        'superUser' =>'Authority',




                        'alwaysAllowed'=>array('SiteLogin','SiteLogout','SiteIndex','SiteAdmin','SiteError', 'SiteContact'),


                        'listBoxNumberOfLines' => 15,

                        'imagesPath' => 15,








[b] [color="#FF0000"]after changed to below, works ok:[/color]


        'srbac' => array(






                        'superUser' =>'super', <<==========changed


                        'layout'=>'application.views.layouts.main', <<==========changed,use the main layout : main.php

                        'notAuthorizedView'=>'', <<==========changed,use the main layout

                        'alwaysAllowed'=>array('Show','View','List'), <<==========changed,

                        'userActions'=>array('Show','View','List'), <<==========changed,

                        'listBoxNumberOfLines' => 15,

                        //'imagesPath' => 15, <<==========changed to comments, but dont understand why the path is a Number???

                        'imagesPack'=>'noia', <<========== what's noia???


                        //'header'=>'application.views.header', <<==========changed,use the main layout

                        //'footer'=>'application.views.footer',<<==========changed,use the main layout

                        //'showHeader'=>true,<<<==========changed,use the main layout

                        //'showFooter'=>true,<<==========changed,use the main layout


thanks a lot!

My Config:


	'srbac' =&gt; array( 

		 'userclass'=&gt;'User', //optional defaults to User 

		 'userid'=&gt;'id', //optional defaults to userid 

		 'username'=&gt;'un', //optional defaults to username 

		 'debug'=&gt;true, //optional defaults to false 

		 'pageSize'=&gt;10, //optional defaults to 15 

		 'superUser' =&gt;'Authority', //optional defaults to Authorizer 

		 'css'=&gt;'srbac.css',  //optional defaults to srbac.css 

		// 'layout'=&gt; 'srbac.views.authitem.admin', //optional defaults to empty string 

											 // must be an existing alias 

		 'notAuthorizedView'=&gt;'srbac.views.authitem.unauthorized', // optional defaults to                    

						   //srbac.views.authitem.unauthorized, must be an existing alias */

		 'alwaysAllowed'=&gt;array(   //optional defaults to gui 


			'SiteError', 'SiteContact'), 

		 'userActions'=&gt;array(//optional defaults to empty array 


		 'listBoxNumberOfLines' =&gt; 15,  //optional defaults to 10 

		 'imagesPath' =&gt; 'srbac.images', //optional defaults to srbac.images 

		 'imagesPack'=&gt;'noia', //optional defaults to noia 

		 'iconText'=&gt;true, //optional defaults to false 

		 'header'=&gt;'srbac.views.authitem.header', //optional defaults to  

								// srbac.views.authitem.header, must be an existing alias 

		 'footer'=&gt;'srbac.views.authItem.footer', //optional defaults to  

								// srbac.views.authitem.footer, must be an existing alias 


		 'showHeader'=&gt;true, //optional defaults to false 

		 'showFooter'=&gt;true, //optional defaults to false 

		 'alwaysAllowedPath'=&gt;'srbac.components', //optional defaults to srbac.components 

										// must be an existing alias 



But I get error:

There is an error in your configuration

And Install Button is disbled.

I created User model and CRUD for it.

Everything is OK. But I don’t understand why I can’t install.

I use Yii 1.1.0, SRBAC v1.1.0(use Subversion for download)

Please, show me now!!!

Thanks for your help!

That was a typo error in the guide. imagesPath should be an alias , default is srbac.images

noia is the images pack to use (a subdir in srbac/images dir)

‘listBoxNumberOfLines’ => 15, //optional defaults to 10

‘imagesPath’ => ‘srbac.images’, //optional defaults to srbac.images

‘imagesPack’=>‘noia’, //optional defaults to noia

My config copy from your srbac_guide_1.1.0.pdf. If wrong, it’s just you!!! ::)

Hi Thanks for a wonderful module.

Ijust cant seemto get to insatll…directory not found

My config…

Version 1.1.0


		// The type of Manager (Database)


		// The database component used


		// The itemTable name (default:authitem)


		// The assignmentTable name (default:authassignment)


		// The itemChildTable name (default:authitemchild)



// module config stuff


		'srbac' =&gt; array(

				'userclass'=&gt;'User', //optional defaults to User

				'userid'=&gt;'user_ID', //optional defaults to userid

				'username'=&gt;'username', //optional defaults to username


				'debug'=&gt;true, //optional defaults to false


				'pageSize'=&gt;10, //optional defaults to 15

				'superUser' =&gt;'Authority', //optional defaults to Authorizer

				'css'=&gt;'srbac.css', //optional defaults to srbac.css


				//The layout to use

				'layout'=&gt;'application.views.layouts.admin', //optional defaults to empty string

															// must be an existing alias


				'notAuthorizedView'=&gt;'srbac.views.authitem.unauthorized ', 

				// optional defaults to

				//srbac.views.authitem.unauthorized, must be an existing alias


					'alwaysAllowed'=&gt;array( //optional defaults to gui


						'SiteError', 'SiteContact'),

					'userActions'=&gt;array(	//optional defaults to empty array


				'listBoxNumberOfLines' =&gt; 15, //optional defaults to 10 

				'imagesPath' =&gt; 'srbac.images', //optional defaults to srbac.images 

				'imagesPack'=&gt;'noia', //optional defaults to noia 

				'iconText'=&gt;true, //optional defaults to false 



				//optional defaults to

				//srbac.views.authitem.header, must be an existing alias 



				//optional defaults to

				//srbac.views.authitem.footer, must be an existing alias 



				//optional defaults to false 



				//optional defaults to false



				//optional defaults to srbac.components

				// must be an existing alias 



I am getting error cant find…

include(User.php) [<a href=‘function.include’>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

need please help…

Do you have a User class in your application?


Here is the error I get

19:51:52.753035 trace system.web.CModule

Loading "coreMessages" application component

19:51:52.755316 error exception.CHttpException.404

exception ‘CHttpException’ with message 'Unable to resolve the request

“srbac”.’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\yii\framework\web\CWebApplication.php:324

Stack trace:

#0 C:\xampp\htdocs\yii\framework\web\CWebApplication.php(120):


#1 C:\xampp\htdocs\yii\framework\base\CApplication.php(135):


#2 C:\xampp\htdocs\yii\dealbook\index.php(11): CApplication->run()

#3 {main} REQUEST_URI=/yii/dealbook/index.php/srbac

19:51:52.755633 trace system.web.CModule

Loading "errorHandler" application component

Perhaps you might be able to spot where I have gone wrong…

Following srbac_guide_1.1.0.pdf everything worked after create Yii skeleton code. Just one typo I found in srbac_guide_1.1.0.pdf at Configure srbac module section.

Begin of page 3 there is: 'srbac.views.authitem.unauthorized ',

maybe remove last space in the String then everything ok and install button worked.

Great job Spyros, thanks.

Hey there.

I have similar problem. I have tried many things to fix it but i guess miss something. I’m trying to install SRBAC. I have done instructions in guides. Still have the same problem. It’s about configuration. The problem is: “There is an error in your configuration” and i have no idea what is wrong.I have tried many possibilites to made it working and finally it looks like this.

My configuration:


return array(
























			'connectionString' => 'pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=nameofbase',

			'username' => 'postgres',

			'password' => 'password',

			'charset' => 'utf8',














                    "superUser" =>"Authority",






                    "SiteError", "SiteContact"),



                    "listBoxNumberOfLines" => 15, 

                    "imagesPath" => "srbac.images", 

















Final effect:

Your Database, AuthManager and srbac settings:


Driver : pgsql

Connection: pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=nameofbase


Item Table: items

Assignment Table: assignments

Item child table: itemchildren


yiiSupportedVersion: 1.1.0

version: 1.2

debug: 1

pageSize: 10

alwaysAllowed: SiteLogin, SiteLogout, SiteIndex, SiteAdmin, SiteError, SiteContact

userActions: Show, View, List

listBoxNumberOfLines: 15

iconText: 1






userid: id

username: username

userclass: User

superUser: Authority

css: srbac.css


imagesPath: srbac.images

imagesPack: noia

header: srbac.views.authitem.header

footer: srbac.views.authitem.footer

alwaysAllowedPath: srbac.components

delimeter: -

layout: application.views.layouts.main


Yii version: 1.1.6

There is an error in your configuration

Is there a way to check what’s wrong? Thanks in advance.

I have not use srbac with pgsql database so there might be a problem there.

Check if this happen to you

Also check that these point to existing files



I have deleted “notAuthorizedView”=>“” and it’s working now.

Thank you.

[color="#1C2837"][size="3"]Dear Spyros.[/size][/color]

[color="#1C2837"] [/color]

[color="#1C2837"][size="2"]I got some problem in installation of srbc this is the message after installation:[/size][/color]

[color="#1C2837"] [/color]

[color="#1C2837"][size="2"]Install Srbac[/size][/color]

[font="Arial Black"][size="2"]This is the mESSAGE AFTER INSTALLATION[/size][/font]

[color="#1C2837"][size="2"]"Error while installing srbac.[/size][/color]

[color="#1C2837"][size="2"]Please check your database and try again"[/size][/color]

[color="#1C2837"] [/color]

[color="#1C2837"][size="2"]Extension i use: srbca 1.3beta[/size][/color]

[size=“2”][color=#1C2837]my whole layout can’t display, i don’t see any frame. Before it works perfect this is after i configure my[/color][/size] [color="#1C2837"][size=“2”]Any help is much appreciated.[/size][/color]

I have drop the table at my workbench mysql the three table that the book has.


Can i just give a role(not super user and this role has competences into srbac) to someone and he can view srbac? I use this way to do that and it only display a empty page. When i give him a superuser role and everything all right.
