[Help] Pass Parameter In Same Page

hi all, i want to ask about passing parameter.



i have two column, left one is category and the right one which when i click the category it will show the category id in the right one.

my code in login.php

for the list category

foreach($exe as $row)


 echo CHtml::link($row['category_name']."(".$row['ttl'].")", '#',

	array('onClick'=>' {'.CHtml::ajax(






             ).' return false; }'



<div id="infra">

echo $_GET[‘ids’];


how can i pass the id to the div?

can anyone help me?


Ajax is generally a client server technique. It could help if your intention was to display something as a result of server processing.

In your case you should simply replace that with

 'onClick'=>'$("#infra").html(' . $row['category_id'] . ')'

Or write a general click event binding function for your links…

Thanks bennouna for your replied,sorry i forget to mention, when first time open the web the id infra will show item from all category, until i click the book category it will show all item from book category.

so in my mind i want do like this

in login.php

foreach($exe as $row)


   echo CHtml::link($row['category_name']."(".$row['ttl'].")", '#',

	array('onClick'=>' {'.CHtml::ajax(






            ).' return false; }'


   echo "<br>";


<div id="infra">

if($_GET['ids'] == null) //show item from all category first time


	$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Infrastruktur',array(


			'order'=>'urutan asc',







	$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(















else //show item from clicked category


	$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Infrastruktur',array(


		    'order'=>'first_update desc',

		    'condition'=>'category_id = '.$_GET['ids'],







	$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
















can you give suggestion to do with it?


Ok. You can do it in multiple ways. This is one of them:


[*]move the part of the code in your #infra to a partial view.

[*]use a new separate controller action that takes the id as argument to render that partial view.

[*]call that new action in your ajax call passing the clicked id to it


Something along these lines (not tested, so I hope you can work out the errors if there are):


[*]your current view becomes

foreach($exe as $row)


   echo CHtml::ajaxLink($row['category_name']."(".$row['ttl'].")",







            ).' return false; }'


   echo "<br>";


<div id="infra">

    <?php $this->renderPartial('_yourPartialView', array('ids' => null)); ?>


[*]in yourController.php

public function actionYourNewMethod($ids)


    if (!Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest || ($ids == null)) {



    echo $this->renderPartial('_yourPartialView', array('ids' => $ids));



if($ids == null) //show item from all category first time


        $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Infrastruktur',array(


                        'order'=>'urutan asc',







        $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(















else //show item from clicked category


        $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Infrastruktur',array(


                    'order'=>'first_update desc',

                    'condition'=>'category_id = '.$ids,







        $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(














